Load the following jobs into memory using dynamic partition and relocatable dynamic partition: (The memory size is 220k with allocated OS for 15k).
Dynamic Partition
Job 9 & Job 10 are in the waiting list it’s because there are no more free memory spaces available in the Operating System that has a 220k memory size. This is the dynamic partition process.
Relocatable Dynamic Partition
In this cycle of partitioning, compared to dynamic allocation, all free spaces of memory were gathered together to form another new memory space. In letter A, 15k is already in the memory because it is already allocated in the O.S. Jobs 1, 4 and 6 already ended their processes in the letter B and it causes to enter Job 7. Afterwards, some memory was all gathered together again to form a free space to relocate some Jobs that were not yet in the memory.
Unlike what happened in dynamic partitioning process, the Jobs 9 and 10 were not in the waiting list anymore. They already fitted in letters D and E because of memory compactions.
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