Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Adversity Quotient Test

EQ (Emotional Quotient) Test
Let me share this EQ (Emotional Quotient) test or also known as Emotional Intelligence test that I took from the websitehttp://testyourself.psychtests.com.
First, I answered all 146 questions fairly and I came up with this results.
One of the questions that appeared on the online test was this.

The test was asking how I would react to a situation like this in my own perspective. To measure my emotional intelligence, this question was asking me to react on what would be the product that I would advocate to a client that doesn’t fit his/her needs. So I was thinking that if I were a salesperson, I would probably not advocate my client a service that doesn’t fit his needs because ethically saying we must not do it for the sake of our qualities as a person. It wouldn’t be nice to the client and he/she might get disappointed on me.

The question that appeared in this test was this:

The item above was asking how would I think or observed to those people that are present in the image.

I was asked to observe and think what was Ellen most likely feeling at the moment in the picture when she was taken. I analyzed Ellen’s face and then I chose the answer "Stressed" because i really thought that she looks like stressed at that moment. In the picture, you wouldn’t determine her face clearly because of the appearance of her emotions.
After all of the questions that I have already answered, I have this result:

The image shows that I have 61 out of 100 in the emotional Identification, perception and expression. I got at least some basic skill when it comes to identifying, perceiving and expressing emotions in myself and others. I already realized that there is still a great deal of room to improve on this core ability.

 AQ (Adversity Quotient) Test
Let me share this AQ Test or also known as Adversity Quotient test that I took from the website http://articles.latimes.com/1998/may/18/news/ss-51010.

Base on my own understanding in this test, some employers are using AQ to predict employee’s levels of success, stress threshold, performance, risk-taking, capacity for change, productivity, perseverance, improvement, energy and health.

The test provided me eight questions and it was all about numbers. Here are some questions that I have found in this test.
Imagine the following situations as if they were happening right now. Then circle your answer to each one.
Situation no.1: You are criticized for a big project you just completed.
Question: The reason I was criticized is something that:
I was allowed to answer between the ranges of 1-5. And it looks like this:
                                 “Relates to all aspects of my life 1 2 3 4 5 Just relates to this situation”
Then I chose the number 4. T just relates to the situation.
Then after I answered all eight questions, I summed all of it and gained 25 points.
The scoring process is this:
Scoring Instructions:
Add together all the numbers you circled to get your overall AQ. insert your total in the box:
Low AQ (8-18) indicates that you have a difficult time dealing with adversity, and/or adversity takes an unnecessary toll on your energy, performance and spirit. Strengthening your AQ can improve your natural resilience and lessen the fallout from adversity.
Moderate AQ (19-31) indicates you deal with adversity fairly well, however your performance can be enhanced with a higher AQ.
High AQ (32-40) indicates a high tolerance for adversity and the ability to persevere through changing times. You may be strengthened by adversity, especially over time. You probably embrace the right kind of change and take necessary risks.
To sum up, I gained a moderate AQ that indicates my deal with adversity fairly well, however my performance can be enhanced with a higher AQ.


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